Thursday, June 23, 2011

Music books and fingernail polish

So I wrote a really long thoughtful post but then it wouldnt copy so this is what ya get :)
- summers boring
- black fingernail polish is runny
- some laptops are stupid!
- use pandoras raido at your own risk
- I like readding lots of books
- my little brother lost a libary video and I'm mad!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Morning Facebook!! haha Just kidding! ;)

Ok then so apparently I can't update my blog from my iPod :( sad day!!
Anyway yesterday I bought my BFF Canary the best birthday present eva!! I have to wait to give it to her tell Augest but we can both wait! :D
Haha but I'm doing these online classes and I really hate doing the work for them but I have to or I fail and thats Horrible!!!
Oh ya if you want to ask me any questions you can email me at

Want to know what the bestest app is??
Definitely Pandoras Radio because it is a free radio and its better then your music app because you dont have to buy any songs. :)
Oh and another one thats awesome is Vevo. Its really cool because you can watch music videos for free :)

That's it for now but if I get bored today there will be another post!
(not that it matters anyway because I dont beleive anyone reads my blog ;))

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New blog

Anyone Else notice how boring the fonts are??
If you didnt then just so you know there boring alright.
So this is my 2nd blog and this time I plan on updating it more... we'll just see how it goes. ;)
So Summer just started and so I decided to do something big!
I did ;)
I deleted my facebook!
Haha what a rebel I am.
Just kidding but thats as big as it gets in my world.